Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Join us each week on Tuesday and Thursday for our open knitting classes starting at 5:30pm to 7:30pm for just $10 a class! During this time we can teach you the very basics of knitting from casting on to casting off and all the fun stuff in between. We can also help you if you are stuck on your project and need some assistance or if you would like to learn any new techniques or learn how to fix your mistakes- we can do it all! Classes are drop in- no registration required and you can start any time and come as often or as few times as you need to get on track!

Blocking Class
Saturday November 10, 2012
11:00am to 1:00pm
$20 per person- materials extra
All skill levels welcome
If you own blocking pins or wires, please bring them with you.

In this class we will be talking about all the different ways to block and care for your knitted garments and accessories. I absolutely LOVE blocking and after this class, you will too. We are going to talk about what "hand washing" really means and why it is so important to properly take care of your knits. Different fibers need different care and we will talk about that as well. As Lily and I like to say "Blocking fixes all problems" and after this class you will see why and how! We will talk about the different methods of blocking and what they are best used for.

Homework: Please bring with you a knit square of 100% cotton, 100% wool, a superwash wool, an alpaca blend and (dare I say it) an acrylic blend or 100% acrylic. That's 5 squares- knit them about 4 inches by 4 inches making sure it is not a loose knit. If you have any garments you are unsure how to take care of or how to block/wash them please bring them with you for us to discuss during the class time.

Finishing and Grafting Class
Saturday November 17, 2012
11:00am to 1:00pm
$20 per person- materials extra
All skill levels welcome
Please Bring darning needles and scrap yarn with you.

In this class we will be practicing a few techniques to make you a master finisher- and to make you stop hating it! We will be learning how to sew seams together so they are invisible on stocking stitch, garter stitch AND joining a horizontal piece to a vertical piece. We will also learn how to do proper grafting- kitchener stitch- which can be used on shoulder seams and the toes of socks amongst other things. We will also discuss how to properly weave your ends in. This is the class that will make your knit pieces go from looking homemade to handmade.

Homework: Please complete and bring with you 2 stocking stitch squares cast off, 2 stocking stitch squares that have NOT been cast off and 2 garter stitch squares. Make them about 4 inches by 4 inches in a yarn of your choosing with appropriate needles. Don't forget to bring your darning needles with you!

Magic Loop circular knitting class- never use double pointed needles again!
Saturday November 24, 2012
11:00am to 1:00pm
$20 per person
Beginner to advanced skill level- must know how to knit and purl.

In this class we will practice and discuss the technique of Magic Loop circular knitting which uses one long circular needle to knit in the round- 32" cord or longer. This technique can be used for everything and anything that you would normally use double pointed needles on. Socks, sleeves, hats, mitts, gloves... anything! The benefit of learning magic loop and putting it in to use in your knit projects is:
1.) You only ever have to buy ONE needle for any project- pick a 32" or 40" circular needle for any project and you're golden- no need to buy the straight, the circular AND the double points for the same project.
2.) The magic loop technique helps you to knit faster while knitting in the round
3.) The magic loop technique does NOT leave "ladders" between your needles where the stitches tend to be baggy.
There is a bit of a learning curve to this technique but once you've got it, you will ask yourself why you haven't ALWAYS been using this technique! It is amazing.
No homework but please bring with you a pair of circular needles that are 32 inches in length or longer and appropriate yarn to go with them.

You MUST pre-register for these classes as there is limited seating and they fill up quickly. To reserve your spot, give me a call at the store at 705-223-8245 or send me a quick email at

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